We are very proud to present you our Stadium Changer v2.0! Now you can select your stadiums ingame, and you can have how many you want stadiums.
[BiH] Predstavljamo vam Stadium Changer v2.0! Sada mozete briati stadione u igri, mozete da imate koliko god hocete stadiona.
Copy all files from .rar file to your kitserver folder, put all your stadiums to /gdb/stadiums. Open the picture stadiums.jpg in this folder to se how to do that. Now run the tool, you can change all stadiums or KONAMI stadium without running PES, or you can go and select ingame.
When you are ingame:
F9 - List Forward, F8 - List Backward
F10 - Confirm Selection (Replace KONAMI DEFAULT STADIUM ONLY)
F11 - Confirm Selection (Replace All Stadiums)
F5 - Quit Program (This only if your computer slows down)
When you select stadium you will hear a sound, also when everything is done you will hear a sound.
Thats all for now, post your ideas at www.pes-balkan.com/forum or at Evo-Web Stadium Changer thread.
Kopirajte Program i sve iz arhive u vas kitserver folder, sve vase stadione stavite u /gd/stadiums folder. Primer kako to da uradite mozete videti na slici stadiums.jpg koja se nalazi u ovom folderu. Sada pokrenite program, preko programa mozete promijeniti KONAMI STADIoN ili sve stadione, bez pokretanja igre, ili mozete otici u igru i tamo odabrati.
Kada ste u igri:
F9 - Listanje napred , F8 - Listanje nazad
F10 - Potvrdite odabir (samo za KONAMI STADION)
F11 - Potvrdite odabir (za sve stadione)
F5 - Ugasite program (ovo samo ako vam racunar puno uspori)
Kada izaberete stadion, dobit cete zvucnu potvrdu, isto tako i kada se odradi kopiranje.
Ariel, pop1806, vallter, denxho, juice, ninuzzu, evo-web
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MW7MLFDM